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Swedish Commerce

Svensk Handel (Swedish Commerce) is the business and employers’ association serving the entire trade and commerce sector. We represent commercial enterprises on issues concerning employment and economic policy. Svensk Handel is tasked with creating the best trading conditions for commercial enterprises both large and small.

Svensk Handel acts to improve conditions in the industry by

  • maintaining industrial peace

  • lobbying decision makers and formers of opinion

  • contributing towards reduced costs for member companies

  • providing advice and services

Become a member

Give us a call +46 10-47 18 520 or send an email to kontakt@svenskhandel.se.


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Få koll på de viktigaste nyheterna som rör dig som handlare. Varannan vecka skickar vi ut ett nyhetsbrev där vi samlar vägledningar, förmåner och de senaste rapporterna som hjälper dig som handlare i din vardag. Registrera dig redan idag!

När du anmäler dig till vårt nyhetsbrev kommer vi att behandla dina personuppgifter. Här kan du läsa mer om vår behandling och dina rättigheter.